Dual Discovery, a unique historical drama, will take you back in time to experience the marvelous events of Yetzias Mitzrayim. The captivating plot of this fictional story is masterfully interwoven with the historical happenings, according to Chazal, thereby bringing the ancient story vividly to life. This gripping story unfolds in ancient Egypt, where a cruel abduction uproots an infant from his family and people. As he matures, the boy's peaceful existence gets disrupted and he embarks on a journey of self-discovery.
You will greatly enjoy following the twists and turns of this gripping novel during your journey back in time. This must Read book will help visualize the slavery in Egypt and the miraculous redemption in a totally new light. At the same time, you will glean some new insights about our present galus and the imminent Final Redemption. Dual Discovery will transform your pesach experience forever!
Enhanced with an historical overview, a clear timetable and a list of hundreds of sources from Chazal.