- Rabbi Shalom Arush
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Modern science following in the footsteps of the Bible and Kabbalistic teachings Price: $149.99
The Revolution is Underway!
It has become increasingly clear that countless scientific discoveries of our time have been known to the Jewish pe..
Beautiful assorted tefillos for jewish daughters.
Price: $26.99
An attempt to identify the authors of anonymous statements in the Talmud. Price: $19.99
Among the most remarkable, yet barely known, sages of the 1900s is surely Rav Reuven Margaliot. His works cover all areas of Torah study, a..
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Price: $199.95
חדש! לאחר חוסר של שנים כעת הספר “בן איש חיל” יוצא במהדורה חדשה ומחודשת של 9 כרכים. המהדורה כוללת את הכרכים: דרשות לשבת תשובה, שבת זכור, שבת הגדול, שבת כלה, שני הכרכים הנדירים: שני אליהו – דרושים וחקירות בהלכה וב..
Fine commentary on the Torah by way of the Pardes, by Rabbi Yosef Chaim (1835-1909).
Price: $139.95
Peninei Halakha is a comprehensive series of books on Jewish law applied to today’s ever-changing world. In this series, Rabbi Eliezer Melamed’s well-organized, clear, and concise writing style brings the halakha, from principle to pract.. Price: $26.99
A fascinating enigma surrounds the name of Rabbi Yosef Hayyim of Baghdad.How did a quiet Torah scholar of only twenty-five find himself at the helm of the community that he would lead like a king for the next fifty years, with no official position or salary?Price: $74.49
En el primer capítulo del Génesis, la Torá nos está diciendo algo radical. La realidad por la cual se guía la Torá es moral y ética. La pregunta que el Génesis busca contestar no es “¿cóm.. Price: $26.95
The Torah is an encounter between past and present, moment and eternity, that frames Jewish consciousness. In this long-anticipated five-volume collection of parashat hashavua, Rabbi Sir Jonathan Sacks explores these intersections as they relate to universal conc.. Price: $26.95
Mesores Moshe
Spanish translated gemara; Talmud Bavli Baba Metzia Vol 3. This is a very nice Gemara with the Gemara, Rashi and Tosafot all translated into spanish. (The Gemara and Rashi on the page and the Tosafot in t.. Price: $79.99
Spanish translated gemara; Talmud Bavli Baba Metzia Vol 2. This is a very nice Gemara with the Gemara, Rashi and Tosafot all translated into spanish. (The Gemara and Rashi on the page and the Tosafot in t.. Price: $79.99
Spanish translated gemara. Bava Kamma Vol 4, Daf. This is a very nice Gemara with the Gemara, Rashi and Tosafot all translated into spanish. (The Gemara and Rashi on the page and the Tosafot in the back)<.. Price: $79.99
Important Halachik work by the Chafetz Chaim, Rabbi Yisrael Meir(HaKohen) Kagan (1838-1933), on Shulchan Aruch, Orach Chaim. Pocket size edition. (Halacha)
Price: $34.99
Studies in Talmudic Methodology and miscellaneous essays on Tanach, Talmud, liturgy and history. Price: $24.49
Among the most remarkable, yet barely known, sages of the 1900s is surely Rav Reuven Margaliot. His works cover all ..
The Eternal Light Hard Cover Volume #11:
The Chozeh of Lublin
Reb Levi Yitzchak of Berditchev
The Shpola Zeida
..Price: $19.99
Facing the Storm
Only The Torah - which is the book of life - and the Mussar teach us the best and most appropriate way to live. This.. Price: $34.99
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Price: $37.99
Nueva edición bilingüe de los Salmos en formato pequeño, tamaño bolsillo, ideal para transportar. Al .. Price: $23.99
Nueva edición bilingüe de los Salmos en formato pequeño, tamaño bolsillo, ideal para transportar. Al .. Price: $23.99
שולחן חיים - סדר ברית יצחק, חנוכת הבית / בן איש חי Price: $11.99
* סדר ברית יצחק
* סדר חנוכת הב..
Experience all the suspense, intrigue, redemption, and humor that has captivated generations of Purim holiday celebrants as the classic tale comes to life in ESTHER, the Graphic Novel.
Price: $23.95
An 18 Volume collection of the Shaalos and Tshuvas by Rabbi Ovadai Yosef on Halacha.
Price: $279.99
Rabbi Sacks zt”l believed that the primary institution of education in the life of a Jewish child is the family. The Covenant & Conversation Family Edition is a resource for parents, families, and educators to enhance intergenerational conversations sur.. Price: $57.99
For Rabbi Sacks zt”l, the primary institution of education in the life of a Jewish child is the family. The The Ceremony & Celebration Family Edition is a resource for parents, families, and educators to enhance intergenerational conversations surroundi.. Price: $28.99
What is the future of the Jewish people? In Arguments for the Sake of Heaven, Jonathan Sacks, Chief Rabbi Elect of the United Hebrew Congregations of the British Commonwealth, explores the contemporary issues that are influencing Judaism and the controversies tha.. Price: $19.49