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Kehati Mishnah - 21 Volume Series (Hebrew English)

  • Kehati Mishnah - 21 Volume Series (Hebrew English)
  • Kehati Mishnah - 21 Volume Series (Hebrew English)

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Product Description

In the original Hebrew, The Kehati Mishnah has become one of the most popular and respected Mishnahs available. His clear and cogent commentary, based on classical and contemporary works, has made the Mishnah accessible to all.
In this translation, the Hebrew text of the Mishnah is presented along with its English translation, as well as a translation of the commentary of Rabbi Kehati. Each tractate is introduced with an overview of its contents, including historical and legal background material. Each mishnah is prefaced by a thematic introduction. 

  • Dimensions: 9" x 6.25"

Volume 1: Zera'im- Berakhot, Peah, Demai, Kilayim- These tractates cover the subjects of the blessings & prayers, the corners of the field, the tithihg of produce purchased from a person suspected on not having tithed properly, and the prohibitions of crossbreeding and mingling varied species of plants, animals and clothing.

  • Pages: 463

Volume 2: Zera'im- Shevi'it, Terumot, Ma'aserot- These tractates cover the subjects of the Sabbatical year, the gifts due to Cohanim, and the tithes given to the Levites.

  • Pages: 358

Volume 3: Zera'im- Ma'aser Sheni, Challah, Orlah, Bikkurim- These tractates cover the subjects of the tithes eaten in Jerusalem, the portion of dough given to the Cohanim, the fruits of a new or young tree, and the first fruits brought to the Temple.

  • Pages: 284

Volume 4: Moed- Shabbat, Eruvin- These tractates discuss the observance of Shabbat, and the erection and limits of Shabbat boundries.

  • Pages: 436

Volume 5: Moed- Pesachim, Shekalim, Yoma- These tractates discuss the subjects of the observance of Passover, the annual tax paid to the Temple, and the observance of Yom Kippur.

  • Pages: 400

Volume 6: Moed- Sukkah, Beitzah, Rosh Hashana, Taanit, Megillah, Moed Katan, Chagigah- These tractates cover the subjects of the observance of Sukkot, the festival laws, the observance of Rosh hashanah, and the communal fasts, the reading of the book of Esther on Purim, the observance of the intermediate days of Passover and Sukkot, and the sacrifices offered during the three pilgrimage festivals.

  • Pages: 460

Volume 7: Nashim- Yevamot, Ketubot- These tractates cover the subjects of the laws of levirate marriage and halizah, and the mutual rights and duties of husband and wife.

  • Pages: 447

Volume 8: Nashim- Nedarim, Nazir, Sotah- These tractates cover the subjects of the making and annulment of vows, the vows of a Nazirite, and laws relating to one's wife. 

  • Pages: 303

Volume 9: Nashim- Gittin, Kiddushin- These tractates cover the subjects of the laws of divorce and annulment of marriage, and the laws of marriage.

  • Pages: 245

Volume 10: Nezikin- Bava Kamma, Bava Metzia- These tractates cover the subjects of the damages due on property and person; the damages on lost and found property, embezzlement, fraud, usury, rights of hired laborers, and partnership.

  • Pages: 370

Volume 11: Nezikin- Bava Batra, Sanhedrin- These tractates cover the subjects of the laws of real estate, inheritance, partnerhip, legal documentation; the courts of justice and judicial procedure.

  • Pages: 345

Volume 12: Nezikin- Makot, Shavot, Eduyot- These tractates cover the subjects of the punishment of criminals and cities of refuge; 100 laws transmitted in the form of testimonies.

  • Pages:361

Volume 13: Nezikin- Avoda Zara, Avot, Horayot- These tractates cover the subjects of the prohibitions of idolatry and superstitions; the ethical teachings of the fathers; on misdirection in matters of religious law and origination from religious authorities.

  • Pages: 367

Volume 14: Kodashim- Zevachim, Menachot, Chullin- These tractates cover the subjects of the Temple sacrificial system, the cereal and drink offerings, and the slaughter of animals along with the dietary laws.

  • Pages: 509

Volume 15: Kodashim- Bechorot, Arachin- These tractates cover the subjects of the firstborn of humans and the firstlings of animals, and the vows of valuation or contributions to the Temple.

  • Pages: 238

Volume 16: Kodashim- Terumah, Keritut, Meilah, Tamid, Midot, Kinnim- These tractates cover the subjects of the substitution of species for sacrifice, the sins punishable by death or excommunication, the sacrilegious treatment of temple property, the morning and evening offerings, the Temple architecture, and the offering of birds.

  • Pages: 410

Volume 17: Taharot- Kelim- This tractate covers the subject of the ritual uncleanness of utensils.

  • Pages: 426

Volume 18: Tohorot- Oholoth- The tractate listed above, covers the subject of the defilement caused by a corpse.

  • Pages: 254

Volume 19: Tohorot- Negaim, Parah- These tractates discuss the the complex laws of Tzaraat (leprosy), and the regulations concerning the red cow.

  • Pages: 

Volume 20: Tohorot- Tohorot, Mikvaot, Niddah- These tractates cover the subjects of the defilements which continue until sunset, the requirements of immersion for ritual purification, and the laws of family purity.

  • Pages: 409

Volume 21: Tohorot- Machshirim, Zavim, Tevul Yom, Yada'im, Uktzin- These tractates cover the subjects of the liquids and foods that are susceptible to ritual uncleanness, the secretions which render a person unclean, the ritual status of a person who being unclean and has taken a ritual bath (tevilah) and must wait for sunset to be clean, the defilement of the hands, and the fruits and plants susceptible to uncleanness.

  • Pages: 285

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