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A Kindness a Day 2009 Jewish Desk Calendar

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  • A Kindness a Day 2009 Jewish Desk Calendar

Product Description

A calendar with the potential to transform the world!


The Jewish people have always been known for their commitment to the values of chesed (kindness), tzedakah (charity) and tikkun olam (social justice). But today’s fast-paced lifestyle makes it hard to focus on these priorities.

The Kindness a Day Desk Calendar offers a daily reminder of the fundamental role these values should play in our lives by giving practical suggestions for how to put them into action.

Each page of the calendar offers a concrete suggestion for an act of kindness, as well as a quote from a traditional Jewish source connected to the suggestion. It includes the date from both the Jewish and secular calendar and both Jewish holidays and US legal holidays.

The goal of the calendar is to be a force for good in these troubled times. "Kindness is infectious, you never know the effect that a single kind word or deed can produce. If you make one person’s day a little better, that person may go on his way and do something nice for someone else, and onwards in a domino effect that can literally change the entire world."



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