welcome to Bar Ilan University's Otzrot Library, a large collection of Judaic texts recorded electronically, accompanied by an easy-to-use yet sophisticated search program, which makes locating information and displaying material from classic Judaica texts a snap!
Media: CD-ROM
Version: Windows 98/2000/NT/ME/XP
Using Bar Ilan's Judaic Treasres Library, you can:
Search for a word, phrase, or expression in hundreds of Torah texts
display the search results in various ways -- long excerpts of text, short excerpts of text, or just a list of the relevant sources
Display Torah texts of your choice on screen
Print search results and other Torah texts of your choice
Save your search results and other Torah texts, so you can view them or print them with a word processor
Display biographies of hundreds of Bar Ilan's Judaic Treasures Library authors from medieval times to the present
Calculate Gematrias and find biblical verses or expressions with the equivalent gematria
Compare texts on screen
Decipher abbreviations and find the meaning of Aramaic words and phrases and Talmudic concepts
Display biographies of Talmudic rabbis and information about their teachers and disciples