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Haggadah Shel Pesach - Chachmei Sepharad הגדה של פסח חכמי ספרד - עדת המזרח

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  • Haggadah Shel Pesach - Chachmei Sepharad הגדה של פסח חכמי ספרד - עדת המזרח


Product Description

This Sefer is a very special book on the Hagada of Pesach, along with the many wonderful explanations, thoughts, insights of the greatest Sephardic Rabbis from many generations, such as; Rabbi Moshe Alsheich Z”l, Rabbenu Bachye, Maran Hachida Z”l, Rabbi Yaakov Chaim Sofer Z”l, Rabbi Yoseph Karo the author of the Shulchan Aruch Z”l, Rabbi Chaim ben Attar Z”l the author of the well known explanations on the Torah “Or Hachayim”, Rabbi Eliyahu Lavie Z”l, Rabbi Yaakov Chuli Z”l the author of the wonderful set on pirushim on all the Tanach “Meam Loez”! Many laws of the Passover night and the preparations for it, things you have to bring on the Passover Seder night, and many many more common laws about this important night! This Sefer was printed in a very clear and easy to read letters, to make it easier for the reader to understand the wonderful explanations that he reads, and to pass it on to his family members, for this is the way should everyone do on that night! An explanation on the “Shir Hashirim” is also at the end of this Sefer, from all the Sepharadic Rabbis mentioned inside the Hagada! This Sefer is a must for every Jewish family, especially for the Sepharadic communities all over the world!

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9.75" x 7"

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