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Kol Dodi on Megillas Esther

  • Kol Dodi on Megillas Esther

Product Description

     Seas did not split and mountains did not quake when Esther and Mordechai confronted the first decree of genocide, but the strands of “coincidence” blended into such a powerful life rope that only the blind could fail to see the will of the Weaver at work.

In this work, one of the premier halachic authorities of our generation teaches the Megillah. With the authoritative knowledge and innovative mind honed by a lifetime of scholarship, he sheds light on the Megillah and brings logic and clarity to its sometimes obscure narrative.

Rabbi David Feinstein is Rosh Yeshivah of Mesivtha Tifereth Jerusalem. He is the court of last resort for difficult and complex halachic queries from all parts of the world. Less known, however, is his brilliance as a teacher of Scripture. His regular classes on these topics are a magnet to discerning people, many of whom close their businesses to attend. In this book, his interpretations on the Megillah are presented in the form of a running commentary -- and it is a truly brilliant work. Like the story of Purim itself, the complexity of which is hidden beneath the surface, the commentary can be best appreciated only when one leans back and reflects how well Rabbi Feinstein blends the strands of story and comment into a coherent and meaningful whole.

Deceptively simple yet compellingly profound, Kol Dodi on Megillas Esther will stand out as a classic of the genre.

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