This is a unique pocket size microfilm edition of the renowned book "Noam Elimelech" - A powerful commentary on the Torah, by the famous chassidic leader Rabbi Elimelech of Lizensk (1717-1787), student of the Maggid of Mezritch. A book that was nicknamed by the great chassidic rabbis as "The guide for Tzadikim" and was written with 'ruach ha-kodesh'.
Many people keep a copy in their wallet or purse, or sleep with it under their pillow. Keeping it in your house will bring a special Divine blessing - and especially for pregnant women at the time of giving birth, placing it under your pillow - is accepted as a traditional "segula" or charm for an easy birth.
This amazing, laminated microfilm version will easily fit into your wallet or handbag, and can be carried anywhere one goes, bringing with it all of the benefits mentioned above.