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Reshit Chochma (3 vol.)/ ראשית חכמה מנוקד- תרגום זהר- ג כרכים- מוסר והשקפה

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  • Reshit Chochma (3 vol.)     ראשית חכמה מנוקד- תרגום זהר- ג כרכים- מוסר והשקפה

Product Description

An encyclopedic work on morality (musar), drawing heavily on the Zohar, by Rabbi Eliyahu de Vidas (1518-1592).

Rabbi Eliyahu de Vidas was the main student of Rabbi Moshe Cordovero, and had a reputation as a sage and a saint.
The book promises its reader to receive a spark of holiness and purity if studied on a daily basis. It is devided into "gates". Gates of Yirah, Ahava, Teshuva, Kedosha, Anva and more... vowelized Hebrew text.

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