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Stages of Spiritual Growth

  • Touching the Harp Strings


Product Description

by Batya Gallant 

Softcover, 179 pages 
ISBN 13: 978-1936-068-01-2 
Published by Devora Publishing 
publication: 2010 

R. Tzadok Hakohen of Lublin (1823-1900), Chassidic master of Torah, taught that spiritual growth follows a predictable sequence of stages: One’s youth is most conducive to growth in love and kindness, one’s middle years provide the best opportunity for learning submission to Divine authority, and one’s later years are the optimal time for growth in truth-perception. 

Stages of Spiritual Growth explores R. Tzadok’s system. It clarifies the necessary steps within each stage of growth, explains why each stage of life lends itself to that specific facet of development, examines some of the underlying axioms of non-Jewish culture that sabotage our psychological and spiritual progress, and perhaps most significant for the current generation, dispels the common misconception that spiritual growth in Torah stifles an individual’s self-expression. Stages of Spiritual Growth provides a philosophical framework for incorporating one’s individuality into one’s quest to serve God. 

About the author: 

Batya Gallant has been teaching Torah in women’s community classes, post-high school seminaries and women’s beginner programs since 1973. Currently teaching in Darchei Binah Seminary, she focuses primarily on Torah psychology, philosophy and intellectual history. These interests coalesced to form the basis for Stages of Spiritual Growth. Mrs. Gallant and her husband, Dr. Reuven Gallant, made aliyah from New Haven, Connecticut, in 1987. They live with their twins, Sara and Akiva, in Har Nof, Jerusalem. 

Praise for Stages of Spiritual Growth: 

“Based on the formula of Rav Tzadok for spiritual growth utilizing the qualities of the Avos in succession, the authoress presents a deep and comprehensive work that is extremely enlightening, thought provoking and inspiring. She culls her presentation from many sound Torah sources, and her conclusions are definitely a legitimate Torah path for spiritual growth.” 
-Rabbi Zev Leff 
Rabbi of Moshav Matityahu 

“I have perused Stages of Spiritual Growth and was overwhelmed by its profundity and lucidity. In my opinion, this work is destined to leave an imprint in the souls of people who desire to grow spiritually.” 
-Rabbi Dovid Cohen 
Congregation Gvul Ya’avetz 

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