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The Family Aguilar

  • The Family Aguilar

Product Description

One of the most fascinating chapters in Jewish history is the chronicle of the Conversos in Spain and Portugal. Outwardly, they were Christians; secretly, they were Jews, with a singular devotion to the faith of their fathers. If caught and exposed, they faced the terrors of the Inquisition, yet they remained steadfast in their faith, with a courage beyond belief. 

In this historical novel, Rabbi Marcus Lehmann paints a panoramic portrait of eighteenth century Spanish Jewry under the Inquisition, as well as one family’s drama and adventure, sorrow and lasting triumph. With a wealth of local color and amazing historical detail, the adapted version of The Family Aguilar has been a favorite for generations. 

  • Binding: Hardcover
  • Pages: 206
  • Dimensions: 6" x 9"

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