The Sages brings the world of the Talmud to life, revealing the stories of the men behind its pages. This fascinating multi-volume series explores the lives and times of great Jewish sages (Hazal)—their teachers and disciples, their families and professions, the values they cherished and ideologies they opposed, the historical challenges they faced and the creative wisdom with which they faced them. Highly original and profoundly engaging, The Sages draws readers closer to the world of Hazal while deepening their understanding of our own. Volume IV focuses on the transition from the age of the Mishna to the Age of the Talmud, and the foundation of Babylonian Judaism.
Following its publication, the Mishna became a quasi-sacred work with a fixed text that was interpreted and invoked to explain all other teachings...The transformation of the Mishna into an authoritative and canonicla halakhic text ushered in a major new era in the history of Jewish study: the talmudic age. The Mishna served as the basis for thousands of discussions that involved analyzing its finer points, comparing it to parallel sources, and interpreting each sentence and phrase, thereby creating talmudic discourse. Thus we find ourselves shifting from the era of the Mishna to the era of the Talmud, accompanying the sages of the time.