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You Come For One Reason But You Stay For Another

  • Diaspora is Jewry's Graveyard

Product Description

by Rabbi Mordechai Weiss 

In the summer of 2003, Rabbi Mordechai Weiss, together with his wife, Ellie, and their children made the leap from Teaneck, New Jersey, and joined the many who have made aliyah to Israel from the United States. Personal writings from Rabbi Weiss’ regular e-mail updates to family and friends, sharing the personal challenges and triumphs of beginning anew in Israel, form the basis of this book. With his unique perspective and sense of humor, Rabbi Weiss writes of the struggle to make a new home in the Land of Israel. 

About the author: 

Rabbi Mordechai Weiss, born in Miami Beach, Florida, attended the Hebrew Academy of Greater Miami and received his rabbinical ordination from Lubavitch Yeshiva in Brooklyn, New York. He served the Bergen County, New Jersey, community for over two decades in his capacity as an emissary of the late Lubavitcher Rebbe. In addition to his many responsibilities as Rabbi of the Teaneck Chabad House, Rabbi Weiss also volunteered as an EMT for the Teaneck Volunteer Ambulance Corps. He and his family live in Mitzpeh Yericho where he is now a licensed Israeli tour guide. 

Praise for You Come for One Reason But Stay for Another: 

“Rabbi Weiss has defied the Meraglim (spies) by sending back a candid, refreshing, and enlightening tale of a spiritual journey to the Holy Land. His tale comes alive through the eyes of a family committed to settling the Land and, in so doing..., he succeeds in inspiring a new generation of Jews to do what our people could only dream of for 2,000 years.” 
–Dovid Gantshar 
Host, The Aliyah Revolution, Israel National Radio / Arutz Sheva 

“There is little in our world that is as beautiful, natural, paradoxical, and wonderful as making Aliyah. Rabbi Weiss embodies all these with his uniquely kind, warm, and endearing self.” 
–Lori and Eric Solat 
Formerly of Potomac, Maryland, now residing in Maaleh Adumim, Israel 

“I think Rabbi Mordechai Weiss has devoted his entire life to the welfare of the Jewish people. He has demonstrated how to be a devoted communal leader. I enjoy reading his email updates and always look forward to their arrival.” 
–Rabbi Shmuley Boteach 

Softcover, 130 pages 
Published by Devora Publishing 
Publication: 2010 
ISBN 13: 978-1-936068-07-4 

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